Adam Fillion

Staff Research Associate


Adam grew up in Lansing, MI and attended Michigan State University for his undergraduate degree with a double major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Chemistry. His first lab job was in the Proshlyakov Lab in the Department of Chemistry where he worked on developing a novel method for the immobilization of mitochondria in a microfluidic respirometer using magnetic nanoparticles. As an undergrad researcher, he participated as a mentor in the high school honors science program (HSHSP) and trained several rising seniors in the field of molecular biology. In 2019, he presented his undergrad research at the MSU Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) where he was awarded the grand prize in STEM out of the 921 participants.

Following graduation, he accepted a position in the Gilad Lab in the Department of Chemical Engineering working on multiple synthetic biology projects that included the optimization of bioluminescent neurotransmitter indicators as well as the development of synthetic proteins to produce contrast in chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI.

Now in the Javid Lab, Adam works alongside Rania and Nyarie to investigate the role of antibodies in tuberculosis infection, as well as taking on the characterization of novel compounds targeting "undruggable" macrodomains found with a tuberculosis Toxin-Antitoxin module.

When not in the lab, Adam can be found hiking the national parks and photographing his surroundings, or attempting to bike up hills much steeper than anything found in Michigan while trying to simply explore San Francisco.